What is Dermapen?
Perhaps the area in the body where the effects of aging are felt most is the skin. Contrary to popular belief, the effects of aging on the skin begin to be seen in the 20s, not in older ages. Over time, the production of collagen, which protects the integrity and structure of the skin, slows down and the skin loses its elasticity. There are various methods used to delay the effects of aging on the skin and support the skin renewal process. One of the most used skin rejuvenation and renewal applications in recent years is the dermapen method. Dermapen, or microneedling method, is a procedure performed to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin and the repair mechanism of the skin itself. For this reason, it is also often referred to as collagen induction therapy. Dermapen application is a minimally invasive procedure performed with the help of small needles. At the end of the dermapen process, which provides effective results in skin problems such as wrinkles due to aging, skin blemishes, and acne scars, the skin regains the moisture it lost and becomes more vibrant and smooth.
What is Dermapen used for?
Dermapen is one of the first methods that come to mind when it comes to skin renewal and rejuvenation in recent years. Dermapen helps eliminate many different skin problems by supporting collagen production in the skin. Some skin problems for which microneedling is used can be listed as follows:
Loss of elasticity in the skin,
acne scars,
Skin discoloration,
Large pores,
Fine lines and wrinkles,
Dry skin,
Stretch marks that occur after weight changes or after birth,
Wound and burn scars,
Dark circles around the eyes and bags under the eyes,
excessive sweating,
Removal of black spots,
Hair loss due to a disease such as ringworm,
Sagging in the décolleté area.
Dermapen application is used to solve many skin problems such as these.
How to Apply Dermapen?
Before the Dermapen application, the specialist doctor who will perform the procedure examines the person’s skin and takes photographs for comparison after the procedure. Afterwards, the person with skin problems is informed about the application. Before the treatment, the specialist doctor may recommend using creams containing some vitamins that support collagen production in the skin. Using these creams helps the effect of the procedure to be seen in a shorter time.
During the procedure, the skin is first cleaned. After skin cleansing, creams with an anesthetic effect are applied to the skin. The effect of anesthesia on the skin begins in approximately half an hour, thus preventing any pain or discomfort during the procedure. During Dermapen application, a pen-like device, also known as a microneedling device, is used. The specialist doctor moves the device over the upper layer of the skin with gentle movements. Meanwhile, a light layer of water can be applied to the skin to help the device move more easily on the skin. This tool has small needles at the tip. During the procedure, these needles are inserted into the skin and small holes are opened in the skin. These holes are quite small holes. The lengths of the needles at the tip of the Dermapen device vary. Usually the length of these needles varies between 0.5 mm and 2 mm. The needles on the device can be changed depending on the type of skin problem. For example, in cases where dermapen is applied to remove deep acne scars, choosing longer needles helps the procedure to have a deeper effect.
Collagen production in the skin slows down with age. The skin begins to produce collagen to close the holes opened during the Dermapen application. The main purpose of the Dermapen process is to trigger the skin’s collagen production. After the procedure, a cream containing some vitamins and minerals can be applied to the skin. These creams help the skin’s self-repair mechanism to activate in a shorter time. Dermapen application is a method mostly preferred in the face area. However, the microneedling method can also be used to remove blemishes, sagging and stretch marks that occur in other parts of the body, such as arms and legs.